History of Computer Development
- The first computer is a man
- Computers at first is the name of the department / job.
- Used to describe a person (usually female) who work do repetitive calculations like calculating planetary positions for astronomical tables, table navigation for navigation.
Computer generation
- Is the first tool that is used for the calculation. Works to help the human memory in the calculation.
- People who are skilled, AKN can perform the operation as soon as the addition and subtraction using a calculator.
- Was first used in 300 BC in Babylon.
- Further develop in China until now.
Abacus First Generation
Modern Abacus
- Consists of two groups of lines, which depict human hands
- Under the five rings represent the five human fingertips.
- Two rings on the two hands represent human.
Blaise Pascal
- In 1642 at the age of 19 years found that the first machine summer.
- Used to assist his father in the tax calculation.
- Composed of 50 gears (gear).
Machine Aggregator Pascal
Arrangement Of gears
- By 1801 Joseph Marie Jacquard looms of France developed a pattern stored his weaving use of wood perforated card (which was then known as punch card).
- Resistance discovery of the workers got, and encourage the formation of workers' unity and action of the first in the world, which damage the loom creations.
- But in 1812 has emerged thousands creation Jacquard loom, which is still used in the textile industry to make a brocade pattern
- Charles Babbage was a British mathematician, who developed the automatic calculating machine.
- With the help of Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace, Babbage in 1834 to develop the analytical engine to calculate astronomical tables for use in the navy called "Different Engine".
Difference Engine by Charles Babbage in 1834
- Herman Hollerith, employee statistics, develop a calculating machine called the "Hollerith desk" to deal with in the U.S. census in 1890, by using a system of punched-card do to collect and tabulate the data
- By using this machine, the census count can be completed in 2 years
- At the end of the 18th century founded the company "Tabulating Machine Company"
- After retiring in 1904 Hollerith, Thomas Watson, Sr.., Became president and later changed the company name to International Business Machines Corporation (IBM).
Example of Punch Card
Harvard Mark I : Electro-Mechanis Computer
- A first programmable digital computer in America, in 1944.
- Is the result of collaboration between Harvard University with IBM.
- Composed of switches, relays, rotary shaft (rotating shaftI), and clutch (clutch).
Mark I
- This computer weighs 5 tons, linked by cable along the 500 mile, 8 feet high and has a length of 51 feet, and has arms that rotate throughout the 50 ft powered by an electric motor with a power of 5 hp.
- Mark I run non-stop for 15 years.
Center Drive Mark I
- One of the main programmer Grace Hopper Mark 1 was a woman.
- He was the first to discover the "bug" on the computer, which is a kind of moth that dead insects and impede the reading holes in paper tape.
- Term Debugger then used to eliminate errors in a computer program.
Bug First Computer
Mauchly and Eckert
- Scientists from Pennsylvania University, designing and developing the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) in 1945, which is known as the first modern electronic computer.
- Computers consisted of 19,000 vacuum tubes and 500,000 solder joints, and weighed over 30 tons.
Eniac I
Eniac 2
Eniac Program
- John van Neumann, is a genius mathematician from Princeton, developing a theory of program storage in a paper entitled "A Preliminary Discussion of the Logical Design of an Electronic Computing Instrument" 1946.
- He is the first to demonstrate the advantages of binary rather than decimal-based series.
- Von Neumann computers, developed 1952, the prototype of a large-scale computer today.
- Further along with Mauchly and Eckert developed EDVAC computer, followed by ILLIAC.
- ILLIAC was built at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, USA.
- 1970 mainframe computer era began to emerge, such as the IBM 7090, IBM 360, and IBM 370.
- There are two ways for interacting with mainframe.
- First called Time Sharing because the computer gives the user time slots in turn.
- Maybe there are 100 concurrent users logged on, each typing on a teletype such as the following:
IBM 7090
Time Sharing
Paper Tape
Reel Tape Drive
Personal Computer
- Emerged in 1976 from a small scale computer intended for use by a user who identified with Personal Computer (PC)
- Made the first PC was the Altair 8800
- Apple is one of the PC made during the year, the current price is $ 600.
- Next comes the IBM PC
Altair 8800
Three Generation of Computers Component, Vacuum Tube, Transistor, and IC
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